热烈欢迎您参加2025年第 112届全国糖酒商品交易会暨2025成都春糖

2024-07-18 15:34:29 成都糖酒会



2025成都糖酒会将于 2025年3月在成都市举办,这也是全国糖酒会第 35 次在成都市举办。2025春季全国糖酒会成都春糖)将充分践行“展城融合”发展理念,以“过完春节过春糖”为主题,创新推出“展、会、城、节”四大板块,打造*标杆性消费类城市节日。

2025成都糖酒会预计展览总面积32万平方米,在世纪城新国际会展中心,将设置传统酒类、饮品及乳制品包装及供应链三大展区,在中国西部国际博览城,将设置食品机械、调味品及配料、进口食品休闲食品、休闲及烘焙食品、精酿啤酒及低度酒、葡萄酒及国际烈酒、综合食品等八大展区,并按照细分品类厂商需求细分设置了 15 个特色专区。同时,2025成都糖酒会还为大家精心准备了数十场精彩纷呈的行业论坛活动,包括主论坛、行业盛典、行业论坛、供采对接会和现场体验活动等满足更多的交流、学习、体验需求。欢迎各位朋友安排好时间和行程,有选择地参加,在会上得到更多收获!



糖酒会现场 (30).jpg

Dear exhibitor friends:

Warmly welcome you to attend the 112th China Food and Drinks Fair!The China Food and Drinks Fair will be held in Chengdu from March, 2025, whichis also the 35rd time for the CFDF to be held in Chengdu. The China Food and Drinks Fair willstrive to build a new development pattern of “exhibition & cityintegration” .With the themeof “Out with the Spring Festival, in with the CFDF” , four major sections of "exhibition.conference, city and festival" are creatively launched for a global consumer festival.With a total exhibition area of 320,000 square meters, there will be three exhibition areas fortraditional liquor, beverages and dairy products, packaging and supply chain in the CenturyCity New International Convention and Exhibition Center. In the Western China InternationaExpo City, there will be eight exhibition areas, including food machinery, condiments andingredients, imported food, snack food, baked goods, craft beer and lowalcohol liquor, wineand international spirits, and comprehensive food. And according to the needs of subdividedcategory manufacturers,15 special areas have been set up. At the same time, this year's Foodand Drinks Fair has also carefully prepared dozens of wonderful industry forum activitiesfor participants, including the main forum, industry ceremony, industry forum, supply andprocurement matchmaking meeting and onsite experience activities, etc., offering morecommunication and learning opportunities. Welcome all friends to attend the 112th ChinaFood and Drinks Fair, and I hope you all have a fruitful experience at the CFDF!

We hope that in the new era, the China Food and Drinks Fair can play its role as a productionand marketing docking platform, marketing system construction platform, brand promotionplatform, information release and communication platform, and investment and tradecooperation platform in the industry, so that everyfood and drinks manufacturer, equipmentsupplier, channel buyer, investor, investment institutions, service organizations, experts andscholars, and media personnel can all come home with satisfaction at this conference! Webelieve that in the future, the China Food & Drinks Fair will continue to be a loyal friend ofChinese food and drinks industry insiders, accompanying them and working together withthem all along.

Wish your stay here will be pleasant, rewarding and memorableThank you!